Historical records

Here is where you will find the files with names, and the years when women have been appointed Master, or equivalent, of their Livery Company, together with the name of the company. The files will also tell you how many women have been Master, etc, of the company concerned, and how many Masterships that woman has had. There is similar information available in the other files on Guilds and other City bodies with close connections to the Livery, such as the City Livery Club, and on Aldermen, Sheriffs and Lord Mayors. At present (April 2023), there are 110 livery companies of which 15 have not yet had a woman master, but that number is reducing rapidly and by 2030 it is expected that there will have reduced to less than a handful. Several companies have reported their sadness at their hoped-for woman master not being able to be so for reasons outside everyone's control. There is a great willingness and enthusiasm in the City Livery for diversity. The current documents show the position as at November  2019 for guilds April 2023 for Lord Mayors Sheriffs and Aldermen and otherwise as at December 31 2020..There is also an addition: a research paper on Women in the Livery and High Civic Office in the City updated to 30 April 2021

Lord Mayors, Sheriffs and Aldermen Women Masters of Livery Companies City Guilds etc Masters Women in the Livery and High Civic Office in the City
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